Monday, December 6, 2010

Back to our regularly scheduled program....

Of well LIFE:)  Thankful to be mostly healthy this season!  I have a bit of congestion but nothing major and thankful for great family and friends that love us.  I will have more photos of decorations up this eldest DD and I are going to work on a couple other areas that need some attention and then I'll grab some pics and post for ya'll!  I LOVE Christmas!  We finally got a bit of snow...I like it just don't like being out in it...I'd much rather have flip flop weather!  LOL  BUT....if we have to have bare trees and dreary days then send on the Snow!  It helps cheer up the blahs:)


  1. Woohoo, snow! We haven't gotten any yet. Soon I hope, really helps put you in the spirit. I am glad things are back to normal You were missed!!

  2. we had a dusting....well a little more than a dusting I guess but not a "blanket"....LOL It's snowing again this evening and we are getting a dusting out there....It does help with the Christmas baking:) Thanks Laurie I missed ya'll too! I was just over at Serenity Scrappers catching up from the weekend:)


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